List of Top Websites on Emotional

Top 250 Websites on EMOTIONAL

Download the Top 250 Websites to PDF

Last updated on May 1 2024.
Here are the best websites we found: • • • • • • • •

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Intelligent Customer Experience Platform | Narvar. Narvar ensures every touchpoint along the consumer journey engages and enables emotional connections—from pre-purchase to in-store experiences and beyond
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Emotional Support Dog.   The best way to register your dog as an emotional support animal or ESA Dog is by choosing a reputable ESA doctor.  
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Emotional Support Dog. We are a clinic that provides emotional support dog letters to individuals suffering from mental and emotional disabilities.
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Emotional Intelligence Training, Leadership Training Programs. Our leadership and emotional intelligence training programs will teach you how pressure impacts your brain and provide techniques to perform under pressure.
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Emotional Support Animal Letter Service 74.95 Renewals. Learn how any household pet (dog or cat) can be your Emotional Support Animal. $74.95 Renewal Letter, Online evaluation and review by licensed mental health professionals.
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Global Social Emotional Learning Curriculum | Better World Ed SEL. Better World Ed is the Global SEL Curriculum. Help kids love lifelong learning about self, others & world. Global Social Emotional Learning (SEL) stories help teachers teach empathy compassion. Inclusive Academic Social Emotional Learning Curriculum. Math Literacy! Wordless Videos! Homeschooling SEL
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The Emotional Intelligence Network • Six Seconds. The international nonprofit organization supporting emotional intelligence, authority for emotional intelligence information and development globally
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Functional Emotional Fitness™ Coach Training and Certification for Mental Health and Life Coach Professionals. Functional Emotional Fitness™ is a data-driven mental health process that measures tracks and improves emotional and gut health.
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180,865 | Emotional Intelligence Coaching and Training. Since 1995, when Daniel Goleman’s groundbreaking book Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ became an international bestseller…
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Qualify for an Emotional Support Animal | ESA Doctors. Since 2015. ESA Doctors helps you work with a Mental Health Professional Licensed to Approve you for an ESA Letter for your Emotional Support Animal.
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Get All Valuable Information About Your Emotional Support Dog. Looking for valuable information on Emotional Support Dog? Find here the answers to all of your queries.
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ETC AI ETC - The permanent Emotional TRUST Control solution!. The Permanent "Emotional TRUST Control".
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Helping you boost your emotional fitness skills so you can thrive - Happier. Nataly Kogan is one of the leading global experts in optimizing your emotional fitness and elevating your leadership
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Octave | A Modern Therapy and Coaching Practice Supporting All Aspects of Emotional Well-Being | Octave. Octave is a modern practice supporting all aspects of emotional well-being through therapy, coaching, groups, and classes. With beautiful spaces in NYC and SF, Octave provides a place that inspires confidence and calm — for busy professionals, couples, new parents, and anyone else who might seek thoughtful guidance and support that is just as measurable as it is meaningful.
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BrainyCore - Mastering Emotional Intelligence
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Online Counselling & Emotional Wellness Coach | YourDOST. Chat Online anonymously with career, relationship, parenting counselors, psychologists for advice on self improvement & relieving stress, anxiety & depression
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Daniel Goleman – Emotional Intelligence, Social Intelligence, Ecological Intelligence
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Iowa Crisis Chat – Free Online Emotional Support
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Get ESA Letter Online | Emotional Support Animal | ESA. Get your ESA letter from a licensed professional. The letter will allow you to live with your pet in a rental apartment without paying any charges.
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Calm Sage - Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being. Calm Sage is a platform, where we strive to educate people about mental wellbeing and help them achieve mental wellness. Our mission is to deliver 8 Billion smiles a day.
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Poudle | Emotional intelligence Gym
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Embodied Moxie – Embodied, Inc.. Moxie is a revolutionary new animate companion for children designed to help promote social, emotional and cognitive development through play-based learning.
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Home - YellowTunnel. YellowTunnel is a community of resources to help traders conquer the mental and emotional aspects of trading for positive gain. Access coaching, webinars, forums, articles and other tools not found anywhere else.
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American Service Pets | ESA Letters Online. Certified Emotional Support Animal Letters for Housing and Travel issued by State Licensed Dr’s of Psychology. Online ESA letters for service dogs and other Emotional Support Pets. Landlord ESA letters and Airline ESA letters, same day service available.
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accordion. Emotional Fitness: Retraining body and mind to establish new levels of developmental potential and improve functionality across a wide set of competencies.
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PDSC - Psychological Disability Service Center I ESA-Emotional Support Animal. Psychological Disability Service Center provides Online doctor for emotional support animal approval and prescription service that allow pets to get legal protection.
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YourTango | Opening Hearts, Building Relationships, Spreading Love. Powerful, Personal Stories, Expert Advice, Compelling Opinions & Insights On Love, Relationships, Emotional Wellness, And Self-empowerment.
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Enterprise Customer Retention, Engagement and Loyalty Management Solution. Loyalty Experience Manager combines best in class loyalty program management with engagement, referrals, gamification and UGC solutions for emotional loyalty.
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Enterprise Customer Retention, Engagement and Loyalty Management Solution. Loyalty Experience Manager combines best in class loyalty program management with engagement, referrals, gamification and UGC solutions for emotional loyalty.
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Mental Health Foundation. If your mental or emotional state quickly gets worse, or you're worried about someone you know - help is available. You're not alone; talk to someone you trust. Sharing a problem is often the first step to recovery.
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32,616 | Career Advice for the Future. When giving a speech or presentation, how you start can make or break you. You want the beginning to be strong and instantly pull your audience in so that you have their full attention from the get-go. Here are 25 effective ways to start a speech or presentation. 1. The Common Ground Open Opening with a real life experience, goal or interest is a great way to grab the attention of the audience to show them that they can gain something by listening to you. By establishing common ground with the audience, especially if it is done with humility and grace, you put yourself on the same level as your audience. If you are an elderly CEO of a company and you discuss finances with a group of younger entry-level employees, you have to share your own business experiences when you were younger so that the audience will better understand your message. 2. Ask a Question If you want to make your audience think right away, ask them a question to start your speech. Ask either a rhetorical or literal question. Whether or not an answer to that question is called for, when people are posed with a question that matters to them, they will intuitively answer. When you ask a question, raise your hand to indicate what you want the audience to do. After asking a question like "How many people here are self-employed?", see if any audience members raise their hands. Take advantage of this engagement by getting into the heart of your speech. 3. Quote Sometimes it is as easy as opening with a relevant quote. You can set the tone for the rest of your speech if you have a quote that is memorable. You should keep in mind that whoever you quote has to be well known by the audience because if it is someone like your next-door neighbor, the quote will fall flat with everyone. If you are discussing topics related to politics, for example, it is wise to quote a former United States President. "If there is anything that a man can do well, I say let him do it. Give him a chance." -Abraham Lincoln 4. The Contrast Open If speeches feel like boxing matches to you, this type of opening would often be used. Showcase the difference between diametrically opposed concepts, positions, ideas or words, and the end result will be that some audience members will feel persuaded to change their perspective or embrace something new. There are always two sides to every story, and both sides have to be equally presented. What are the differences between a need and a want? Obstacles and opportunities? Problems and solutions? Highlighting the differences will get audiences to understand the points you are trying to make. 5. Tell a Story Before making the key points of your speech, telling a story to start can draw your audience in. Some of the most powerful words that can immediately grab the attention of the audience would be "Once upon a time" because regardless of age people will love stories of any kind. When you start your speech with a line like "Once upon a time", the audience will know that a story is coming. People will immediately calm down, become quiet, and listen to what you have to say. Whether it is fiction or non-fiction, telling a story will resonate with audience members. 6. Imagining Something If you want people to go on a unique journey with you, encourage them to imagine certain scenarios. For example, if you are working for a non-profit organization that brings water to people who lack the resources to get water, a good opener would be something like "Imagine being thirsty all the time, but never having anything to drink." By having them imagine scenarios like that, you make the audience a part of your presentation. They can actively empathize and engage with the content of your speech because they actually put themselves into that setting. 7. Humor Though this should never be forced onto the audience, when properly implemented you will put a lot of smiles on the faces of those you speak to. Being funny during a speech can be very difficult, but it is a way to give yourself relief as a public speaker. Telling jokes in your opening is a sign to the audience that you don't take yourself too seriously, and that they can relate to you in some way. One witty opener would be "If you can hear me, please start clapping as to confuse those that cannot make out what I am saying." 8. "This Day In History" Open One main reason why audiences gather to listen to speeches is that they can learn something. If you start your speech with a historical fact, the audience will immediately pay attention. For example, if the day of your speech falls on March 5, you would open your speech with "On this day, March 5, 1963: the Hula Hoop, a hip-swiveling toy that became a huge fad across America when it was first marketed by Wham-O in 1958, is patented by the company's co-founder, Arthur "Spud" Melin. An estimated 25 million Hula Hoops were sold in its first four months of production alone." 9. Thank the Organizers and Audience If you want to stick to the basics of public speaking, simply mention the people who made it possible for you to have a presentation. Thanking the event organizers and the audience compliments them, makes them feel proud and happy about your presence, and strongly connects you to the audience. Refer to the person who introduced you to one or more of the senior people in the organization in the audience, and compliment that person as a showing of respect. Be humble and genuine in your positive comments toward the organization. 10. Positive Statement Staying positive throughout a speech can be challenging, but it will become easier if you start your speech with a positive statement. You can begin by telling the audience how much they will like and appreciate what you have to say. For example, you could say something like "You're really going to enjoy the time we spend together today. I'm going to share with you some of the most thought-provoking ideas my company has ever made." The upbeat tone of this opening is enough to make the audience invested in whatever follows. 11. The Skeptical Audience Open A doubting audience is a difficult audience to handle. From the start, they may not trust your ideas or they could be against what you are proposing. Whether they were disappointed in the past or if they are simply stuck in their ways, they will put up a brick wall in front of you. The more hostile the crowd, the faster you must address the gap. Blending your goals and the needs of the audience requires a careful combination of anticipating the major objections, avoiding defensiveness, acknowledging the obvious truths early, and understanding the divided loyalties between the intractable, the undecided, and the supportive. Identify which of those must hear your message and adjust accordingly. 12. The Puzzle Open Brain teasers and mind puzzles tend to capture the attention of audiences that like to be given mental exercises. As the audience tries to figure out what it will take to solve them, they become highly engaged with the practice. Capitalize on this behavior by proposing a riddle, asking a puzzling question that you promise to reveal in the end, and suggesting that the audience complete a mathematical equation and promising to give the answer context as you go along during the speech. Alternatively, reveal one puzzle piece after another throughout the course of your speech to help your audience find the right solution. 13. Refer to Current Events Bringing documentation of something that is currently relevant to the public will help you to illustrate your point the way you want to. Use a current event story that is on the front page of your local newspaper to transition into your subject, and hold it up as you refer to it in your introduction. This serves as a visual image to the audience that they will keep in their minds as they see you hold up this documentation. When they hear you recite or read a key point of the news story, they will carefully pay attention to you. 14. Refer to a Recent Conversation One way to keep the topic you wish to talk about relevant to the audience is to refer to a recent conversation you had with someone attending this public speaking event. Hours or minutes before you get on stage to address the audience, you could be engaging in a thought-provoking conversation with someone in a lobby, and that person might tell you that this is one of the best times to be working in a specific industry. It is likely that many audience members will share the same view as that person, so when you mention this conversation in your introduction they will have something to relate to. 15. The Activity Open An active audience is one that will be more likely to keep listening to you after you finish your introduction. Keeping an audience preoccupied with an activity works well during training sessions and workshops when you are trying to teach a specific skill. Engaging in activity right from the start allows the audience to recognize the benefits of listening to your message. The activity has to be fun but also challenging enough. If they quickly get through it they will spend the rest of the workshop sitting in their chairs doing nothing. 16. The Study Hall Open If you are someone who loves using data-heavy charts and graphs to illustrate your points, you have to be careful about how you present your data to the audience. While they want to be informed, people in the audience also don't want to be bombarded with too much information all at once. Establishing a school setting and distributing paper handouts of data to your audience to begin your session helps them to follow along. Ask them to read the charts and graphs, and following their review you are well on your way to making your key points. 17. The PowerPoint Open When PowerPoint technology is used correctly it is a highly effective tool for the audience. Otherwise, it immediately makes your presentation feel boring. Slides that are overly literal will fall flat, but conceptual and eye-catching images give strength to your words. Pick captivating and intriguing images. If you present a talk on how to make ice cream, you could begin with a slide that shows the finished product of your ice cream brand. Describe the process of making ice cream in your introduction, and as you proceed you show slides in reverse, moving from final product to the very beginning. Along the way, you guide the viewer through each step. 18. The Audio Clip Open Your voice remains front and center for your talk, but additional sounds can bring more clarity to your message. Your words will be given more meaning with the help of a short audio clip as it makes your message more memorable. If you are teaching a music school, you can include two brief audio excerpts, a before and after of student instruction. Though your words do matter, these clips can have a better impact in persuading students to join your school. Audio testimonies, song recordings, oral accounts, and speech snippets all make for good audio clips. 19. Silence A subtle pause of silence, even if it extends to only 10 seconds, gives your audience enough time to sit and quiet down. Most audiences expect a speaker to begin right away. If you want to get the attention of an audience, taking that extra pause will help your cause. People will start wondering why you are being so quiet as they gather around, and when you break your silence and start speaking you can use that pause to illustrate a key point. Sometimes the main challenge in public speaking events is to get the audience into a silent state. 20. The Challenge Open Audiences want to be challenged and motivated to contribute to something they feel passionate about. Open your speech with a challenge if you are looking to increase sales, raising money for a project, asking for volunteers, or wanting legislative change. It isn't just about buying into your message but also taking the actions to manifest it. Start your speech with something like this: "Leaders see possibilities where followers see obstacles. I am here today to call for leaders to encourage those who are unsure about the project to look past the stumbling blocks we face in the development of this local park and consider giving citizens a better environment." 21. Multiple Choice Test Presenting your own multiple-choice test can draw your audience to your topic, and this approach is tailor-made for a talk with multiple perspectives about an issue or different solutions to the same problem. An example of this open would be to say the following: "As a company, we have several routes we can take regarding growth and increased sales. We could a) buy smaller companies to diversify our portfolio of services, b) move resources to focus on only a few, or c) we could opt to franchise. After we evaluate these options together, I will offer the option that I think is the way for us to go." 22. The Mystery Open The odds are likely that your audience loves to solve mysteries. Whether they are read in books or watched on television, mysteries grab the attention of people simply because of the uncertainty that is wrapped around them. When using this open present some clues on stage, regardless of which side of the argument they lean towards. Remind the audience of these clues throughout the speech and encourage them to come up with their own conclusions before revealing how your mystery gets solved. 23. Have Audience Members Talk to Each Other All audiences will be sitting close together in a setting where they will be visible in front of you, so you might as well take advantage of this. Encourage people to talk to others that are sitting next to them, and specifically to let them know what they would like to learn from your speech. Encourage your audience to discuss with each other any particular points. Any commands or show of leadership on your part will easily influence the audience, as long as you do it with confidence. 24. Bring Up Statistics Even if you don't bring any charts or graphs to illustrate your points, simply mentioning important statistics will resonate with the audience to get your message across the right way. Statistics have the potential to trigger the emotional appeal of the audience. One example of presenting statistics in your open would be something like: "In 2019 there were 152,000 homeless people roaming the streets in California. By 2025 that number is expected to nearly double." This kind of open highlights the need to address the problem of homelessness because the statistic is powerful, personalized and surprising. 25. The Unexpected Definition Open Dictionaries are obviously accurate, but there are times when words gain more power when they are redefined. If you are a valedictorian and you want to share how much your fellow students mean to you, the open can go like this: "The dictionary defines classmate as a member of your class, but my definition for you all is much broader than that. We were friends, teammates, and mentors. As worthy opponents, we challenged each other on the field and in the classroom. And, we now can define ourselves as fellow graduates." Conclusion How you start your presentation will depend on what kind of presentation you are giving, and what tone you want to set for your audience. Regardless of which you choose to begin with, incorporating one of these strong tools into your speech ensures that your presentation is a success from the very start.
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The Creative Independent. The Creative Independent is a growing resource of emotional and practical guidance for creative people.
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Personal Excellence - Be your best self, Live your best life. Over 700 articles, podcasts and videos on how to live your best life. Covering topics from career, relationships, emotional mastery, and more.
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Natural Beauty From The South Of France | L'Occitane USA. Discover Radiant Beauty Products By L''Occitane. Shop Our Skincare, Body Care, And Hand Care Products & Treatments For A Sensorial And Emotional Experience
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Asthitva Foundation
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GOQii – Smart Preventive Health Ecosystem. GOQii is a unique combination of Health Coaching with a Smart Fitness Tracker powered by an Integrated Mobile APP. Our Care team of coaches, experts & doctors guide & help meet your health goal objectives with a focused lifestyle coaching program. GOQii Play provides you Live Video coaching across various topics like Yoga, Nutrition, Fitness, Emotional Health etc. Our partnership with Top Diagnostics labs allows you to get the recommended tests done from home and access reports directly on the app. GOQii Health Locker offers you unlimited cloud storage to securely upload, organize and track all your health records. Through Karma, GOQii enables you to walk, earn and donate karma points to various social causes.
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Headline Generator. Title Generator: create 700 headlines with ONE CLICK: Content Ideas + Catchy Headlines + Ad Campaign E-mail Subject Lines + Emotional Titles. Simple - Efficient - One Click
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Advanced Marketing Institute. Marketing Research & analysis tools including the popular Emotional Marketing Headline Analyzer.
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89,224 - Advanced Personal Development Videos. Master your psychology. Over 150 hours of free in-depth videos on self-improvement, practical psychology, raising your consciousness, emotional mastery, success, nonduality, enlightnement, meditation, and more.
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Wonder Unit. Wonder Unit pairs iconoclastic, imaginative minds with creative technology, tools, and processes to tell inspiring, emotional stories.
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Cajon Valley Union School District / Homepage. Cajon Valley Union School District is the best place to live, work, play, and raise a family. We offer TED Talks, Computer Science, Social and Emotional Wellbeing, and Career Development
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Association Montessori Internationale |. AMI’s global network empowers teachers and communities through the holistic approach of Maria Montessori, helping all children become truly capable and productive individuals by focusing on their moral, behavioral, emotional, and intellectual development.
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wf-icon-sprite-neue. An independent foundation sharing free evidence-based lessons on school leadership, afterschool, summer learning, social/emotional learning, the arts and more.
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Boutique Clothing, Decor, and Spa Products | Kashwere. Kashwere is a global luxury brand that creates beautiful products that weave together the physical warmth of the world’s finest, softest yarns…With the emotional comfort our products bring to those they touch.
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Online Marriage Counseling - Online Therapy - Life & Career Coach Services Online. Denver marriage counseling, online marriage counseling, Bentonville, AR Marriage counseling, Denver premarital counseling, denver therapy, denver therapist, denver life coach, online therapy, online therapist who takes insurance, colorado online therapy, fort Collins marriage counseling, Fort collins therapy, fort collins premarital counseling, broomfield therapist, broomfield marriage counseling, broomfield premarital counseling, broomfield life coach, broomfield career coach, emotional intelligence coach, online career coach, denver career coach, online premarital counselor, long distance couples therapy, online therapy for anxiety
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Home. Supporting Exceptional entrepreneurs. We value emotional intelligence as much as data, growing internal culture as much as growing revenue, and forming strong, personal bonds with founders. We recognize patterns where other don't.
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Brownback, Mason and Associates Group Psychological Practice. Our group of therapists provide a holistic, dynamic and eclectic approach to better physical, emotional, social and spiritual health.
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Chipur – Relief for Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Stress. Chipur is a haven of sharing, learning, and relief for those enduring depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, and stress. Original content addresses psychotropic medications, therapy, and other interventions. Chipur also focuses upon causes of emotional and mental disorders, as well as how they work in the body.
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The Conover Company: Cloud-based assessments and skill-building tools. Research-based assessment and training tools. We specialize in the areas of career planning, soft skills, social & emotional learning (SEL) and life skills.
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Joy Worthy Co. | You Are Joy Worthy Creative Workshops. At Joy Worthy Co. we thrive on designing workshops that foster creativity, human connection and emotional wellness.Our goal is for you to leave each workshop
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Gothic & Alternative Clothing | In Goth We Trust | Killstar. Clothing & Lifestyle company with a twist of darkness, channeling emotional power and raw energy into every thread.
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Brenda Ungerland | Post Traumatic Growth. Post-Traumatic Growth Thriving in the Face of Adversity -- Crisis to Flourishing in 7 Steps Brenda Ungerland Emotional Healing Transformational Growth Turning Points
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Dallas Wedding Photographer - Caroline Lima Photography. Dallas Wedding Photographer. Caroline Lima captures emotional, meaningful and timeless photographs in Texas and worldwide.
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Energy Healing with Daerick Lanakila | Spiritual Healing | Energy Healing. Daerick is an energy healer or sometimes called a spiritual healer. If you are looking for energy healing or spiritual healing you have found the right place. Daerick has success helping people with emotional issues eg. depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, and also physical issues.
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Fighting For A Cure - Histiocytosis Association. Histiocytosis Association is a global nonprofit organization dedicated to funding research leading to better treatments and a cure, raising awareness about histiocytic disorders, as well as providing educational and emotional support.
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Hope for Healing -. Hope for Healing non-profit charity - making the world a better place by improving mental and emotional wellbeing and building self worth.
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NEW DECISION THERAPY Official Site: Fix the Will to Live - New Decision Therapy, Ndt, Forgiveness. New Decision Therapy (NDT) Master Teacher, Michael George Phillips, guides you in a memory recall & forgiveness process for emotional healing. Free seminar.
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Leaf. Pathlight Mood & Anxiety Center – with locations in Colorado, California, Illinois, Ohio, Texas and Washington – offers higher levels of care for adults, children, adolescents and families facing serious emotional and behavioral health concerns, including bipolar disorder, anxiety, depression, trauma or PTSD.
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Humanity | Thomas Bergersen. “Humanity” is the latest massive collection of music by Thomas Bergersen. Comprised of 7 chapters spread across 7 different themes about humanity, this unparalleled collection of emotional music has occupied most of Thomas’ time the last 6 years and is by far his largest work to date.
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Emileeya | Exquisite Batik Crafted For Everyone. Love is like a batik created from many emotional colors, it is a fabric whose pattern and brightness may vary.
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iCarol | Crisis, Referral & Helpline Software for Non-Profits. iCarol non-profit and charity helpline software for crisis, referral and emotional support lines.
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Life Coaches & Resources | Emotiquo Life Coach Directory. Emotiquo is a life coach directory and community website offering easy-to-find personal growth and emotional intelligence resources.
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facebook. Bach Original Flower Remedies is a brand of Nelsons that offers homeopathic remedies in support of achieving an emotional balance. With 38 flower essences to choose from, you can create and tailor your own flower remedies to suit you.
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Home - Join Mahatria and the Global infinitheism Community - infinitheism. infinitheism is a path that inspires breakthroughs in anyone who ardently desires abundance in any sphere of human endeavor – spiritual, emotional and material by transforming the human spirit to have faith in its humongous, infinite potential.
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251,347 - Hindi Whatsapp Status. In this website, you will get to read the new Hindi Whatsapp status and Hindi quotes. You will also get to see more amazing status images, which you can share in your WhatsApp and Facebook status. You will get to read Hindi statuses like Love Status, Dosti Yaari Status, Sad Status, Breakup Status, Emotional Status, Happy Birthday Status, Good Morning Status, and more.
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Where to Buy Xanax Online?/ Buy xanax online without Prescription- What to know about the Drug for Anxiety Xanax? Xanax Alprazolam aids people to relieve anxiety in one or two hours after taking the capsule. It is prescribed for anxiety disorders, especially panic disorder or GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) which is irregular and caused by emotional stress.
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Takanta. Today’s cultural judgment, social pressure, and professional requirements put your mental, emotional, and physical health under a lot of tension. No wonder it’s a struggle to achieve peace, freedom, and ultimately a lot of happiness. The good news, though, is that there’s a better way to live… It shouldn’t be too much to ask from […]
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Tara Brach - Meditation, Psychologist, Author, Teacher. Tara Brach, Ph.D, psychologist, author and teacher of meditation, emotional healing and spiritual awakening.
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Distress Centres of Greater Toronto. Distress Centres of Greater Toronto - DCGT - provides 24-hour emotional support individuals across the GTA & Peel Region
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ESA Letters for Air Travel and Housing | Get approval from our licensed mental health professional and receive all the required documents to live and travel with your Emotional Support Animal.
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FASHION BOSS | Fashion | Travel | Lifestyle | By Lorna Duffy. My sister and I escaped to the sunny South East for a mini getaway two weeks ago and we had the nicest time. 48 hours away from the hustle and bustle of city life is always a good idea and Wexford seemed liked the perfect place. Here's what we got up in the Ancient East... ACCOMMODATIONh We stayed in the Brandon House Hotel for two nights. It is a four star hotel located in the heart of New Ross. A great spot as we were close to pretty much everything which was so handy. We were treated to a bottle of bubbly and some sweet treats on arrival (a lovely way to end a fun first day in Wexford). Our room was modern and spacious. It had a flat screen TV, bathrobes and slippers as well as bottled water and wine on arrival. The staff were lovely and they really went out of their way to accommodate us. There was a lot of choice for breakfast each morning and the leisure facilities were great too. We will definitely be back to try a few treatments at the spa next time. A really enjoyable stay overall. WINING & DINING Le Baginbun - The nicest little lunch spot in Fethard. Le Baginbun is the sister property of Baginbun Lodge which is only across the road. They had lots of choice on their lunch menu so we were spoilt for choice. We shared a falafel starter (I have never had nicer falafels) and I have a chicken salad for my main. Really tasty dishes and generous portions too. A cosy atmosphere and the staff were really friendly too. Click here to see their menu. The Gallery Restaurant - this restaurant is part of the hotel we were staying in so it was a perfect spot for our first night as we checked in late that evening. The menu had a really good choice of both traditional and modern cuisine so we were spoilt for choice. I ordered a steak dinner and we shared a chocolate dessert. The food was cooked to perfection, the atmosphere was cosy and the staff were really friendly. A really nice dining room and the bar had a good selection of drinks too. The staff very kindly whipped us up two margaritas on the spot as they weren't on the menu. We also got chatting to a few of the bar staff. Such lovely people. Click here for more on their menu selection. Creacon Wellness Retreat - the perfect destination for retreat, relaxation and rejuvenation. We popped in for some R&R on our first day and we had the nicest lunch. The Master Chef, Gaetano Pernagallo designs meals that promote health and nutrition. They only use quality ingredients that are chosen for their seasonal & environmental appropriateness – many of which are grown in their own gardens. I ordered a chicken burger with sweet potato fries and a salad - they really hit the spot. The staff were also lovely. Click here for more on their menu. Il Primo Italian Restaurant - We dined in Il Primo on our last night. Italian food is a favourite of mine and the food did not disappoint. I had a really nice smoked salmon pasta dish with a glass of red. It was a beautiful meal overall and the restaurant was only a 5 minute drive from our hotel which was handy. If you're staying in New Ross this place is worth checking out. Click here for more. THINGS TO DO & SEE Dunbrody Famine Ship Our first stop on the Saturday was the Dunbrody Famine Ship. This is one of the premier tourist attractions in the South East of Ireland so we had to pop in for a tour. Centred on an authentic reproduction of an 1840's emigrant vessel, it provides a world-class interpretation of the famine emigrant experience. Incorporating guided tour, costumed performers and themed exhibitions, 'The Dunbrody' provides a unique insight into the bravery and fortitude with which Irish people faced up to a desperate situation. Our tour guide was really friendly, chatty and informative, we got to see the ins and outs of the ship and the performers topped it all off. A really enjoyable tour overall. The tickets are reasonably priced too. Click here for more information on tours and ticket prices. Hook Lighthouse Located at the tip of the Hook peninsula, this is the oldest operational lighthouse in the world. We popped in for a guided tour of the lighthouse on the Sunday morning as we were in the area. Our tour was just under an hour long and our tour guide Gillian was full of facts and figures so we learnt a lot. We were given a tour of even level of the lighthouse and we finished up at the top with the most beautfil view of Wexford and the cliff tops. An absolute must if you're in the area. Click here for more information. Sea Cave Kayaking The Irish Experience offers an amazing and unique Sea Cave Kayaking Experience along the beautiful South East coastline of Ireland, taking in the very best Atlantic Ocean location of Ireland's Ancient East. Sea Cave Kayaking had been on my to-do list for a good while so I couldn't wait to get going. It really was a unique and exhilarating way to explore this magical coastline. The sea cave kayaking experience was 3 hours long and this included 2.5 hours of paddle time in total. The sea caves and arches really were something else. We also stopped off at a hidden beach to re-energise. Our guide Graham taught us lots about the area, the wildlife and the history which was great. We were also treated to a hot chocolate and a snack along the way. The weather was perfect so the views were even more incredible than expected. Costa Del Wexford to say the least. Click here for more information. Energy Therapy I decided to give energy therapy a go as I had never tried it before. I had my first Rising Star treatment at Creacon Wellness Retreat after lunch on the Saturday and I really enjoyed it. It was a 40 minute session in total and I found it really relaxing overall. Scientists have proven that everything is energy. With humans and animals, energy fields operate inside our bodies (chakra system) and outside our bodies (auric system). When our energetic vibration decreases, dis-ease and imbalance can occur on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. The Rising Star treatment works by directing energy through your chakra system, working on the five elements; fire, water, air, earth and ether, so your entire being can start to balance and heal. A single treatment starts to raise the vibration of the human energy field, to hold more life force energy, so it can rebalance the body. A really enjoyable experience. I will definitely be back. Click here for more information. County Wexford really does have so much to offer. There are so many things to do and places to see. A huge thanks to Brandon House Hotel, The Irish Experience, Hook Lighthouse, Dunbrody Famine Ship, Creacon Wellness Retreat, Le Baginbun and Il Primo for having us. Such an enjoyable weekend in the sun south east. Any questions? You can catch me on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!
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